How is the ending effective? Close reading of the ending

Lennie's death

G + L's relationship

*pathetic fallacy 'The shadow in the valley was bluer' it's getting colder and darker, just like the scene is>>> and George's life is
'darkening slopes'>>>>> sunset>>>>> end of Lennie's life/the sunset of his existence

*The wind disturbs the pool >>> just as this event will permanently disturb George's world.

* "Lennie removes his hat dutifully"
Lennie seems loyal

Lennie is obedient, he's like a child. "Lennie giggled like a child"

George is the adult, paternal + fraternal >> pathos as we know that George should be a friend, not a parent.

*George makes Lennie feel secure and safe

*Recurring reference to shaking/trembling//George's voice and George's hand

*"Skull and spine were joined"
clinical description, body language - alerts the reader to what is going to happen>>>> build up of tension and pathos

*Sound and onomatopoeia 'shot', 'crashing', 'voices'...
Voices represent a very real threat ,...and the reader is reminded of Carlson who didn't want 'no damn stranger to shoot my dog'.
>>> pathos because Lennie is worth than a dog. And he isn't at the end of his the fact that this cruel society equated Lennie with Carlson's dog>>>> thought-provoking and disturbing. Lennie should be protected.

*'Crash of the shot rolled up the hill and down again' .>>>>Momentous event, >>> emptiness of the world and the emptiness of George's heart.

Ironic - George's hands are 'strong'>>> because he is devastated to have to kill Lennie.

"Go on" >>> double meaning, heightens tension, go on, get it over it with and go on tell the story of the dream.

*The dream, 'Of the fatta the land'
Bedtime story - the ultimate bedtime story



*Slim seems to represent hope at the end of the novel. He protects George and consoles George ... this is powerful and beautiful. Add to the pathos, it confirms for us the finality of what has happened. There is no more George and Lennie.

There's something telling in the way they walk off together - visual image that reminds us of George and Lennie who were always together.

"A guy gotta sometimes."
 "You hadda, George, I swear you hadda"

The reader is likely to be as unsettled and disturbed by Slim's verdict that this is normal.

We are left with a choice at the end of novel: Will we be like Slim and George or like Curley?
Curley for the first time is not aggressive>> "softly"

There are big clues here as to the message of the novel.
>>>> There is no possible utopia?
>>>> Sometimes you will have to make enormous painful and costly sacrifices. Sometimes to love someone will entail great suffering
>>>>> We need to protect the vulnerable, care for the Lennies and Curley's wives of this world.


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